7 research outputs found

    The Intralingual Errors on Writing Performed by English Department Students at the Fourth Semester of Ahmad Dahlan University.

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    Nowadays, students are expected to be able to write a research report to fulfill their final assignments. Hence, recognizing errors in order to improve students' ability in writing is considered important. Common causes of errors can be due to the influence of the first language or mother tongue (interlingual errors) or lack of mastering the target language (intralingual errors). The results of previous research show that the biggest cause of errors deals with the lack of studentsā€™ mastering in the target language. Therefore, this research focuses on analyzing intralingual errors made by the undergraduate students the fourth semester at Ahmad Dahlan University. This research was conducted qualitatively where the researcher acted as the main instrument. Writing tests and interviews were carried out to obtain the data from the undergraduate students from Ahmad Dahlan University, and their writing texts were being the subject of this research. The objects of the research are words, phrases, and sentences that indicate intralingual errors. The steps of data analysis begin with (1) collecting errors data made by students, (2) identifying errors (3) describing errors, (4) explaining errors (5) evaluating errors. These data were then analyzed by using Jamesā€™ intralingual errors theory. The results of this research showed that the highest percentage of intralingual errors was found in overgeneralization (41.00%), followed by overlooking co-occurrence restrictions (39.15%), exploiting redundancy (6.63%), misanalysis and incomplete rule applications which had similar result (4.81%), and the lowest percentage was found in false analogy and hypercorrection (1.80%). From the result of interviews with the students, it can be concluded that the internal factors are the main cause of students in making errors. In addition, it seems that the studentsā€™ motivation and learning habits affect their mastery of grammar and vocabulary in the target language. In short, this research is expected to be able to contribute to teachers in finding innovations and strategies in learning to write in order to minimize errors made by students. Expectantly, the students are able to write properly in English as well as pay more attention to their strategies and motivation in learning English

    YouTube as a Learning Media to Improve the Studentā€™s Speaking Ability in 21st Century

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    The development of students' skills, especially in speaking, is considered important to get more attention because speaking skill is included as one of the productive skills that requires a lot of practice rather than only learning the theory. In mastering speaking skill, it is regarded necessary to not only understand what others are talking about but also to respond and communicate effectively with others. Thus, a maximum use of instructional media, especially YouTube, is considered necessary in enhancing the development of studentsā€™ speaking skill as a crucial capability to be possessed in the 21st century. The purpose of this study is mainly to describe YouTube's maximum use in terms of practice as well as disclose the benefits of using YouTube as a media learning

    Effects of Soil Moisture Content on Groundwater Electrical Resistivity Values in Irrigation Paddy Scheme, Tanjong Karang, Malaysia

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    Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) analyses have been conducted in Irrigation Paddy Scheme, Tanjong Karang, Malaysia as part of investigation on groundwater potential aquifer to provide an alternative water resource for paddy irrigation. Based on recent studies on groundwater resistivity in paddy field, irrigation system mentioned as soil moisture content was observed to affect the value of electrical resistivity and subsurface geological profile resulted from ERT analysis. The objective of this study was to proof any correlation between soil moisture content and electrical resistivity values and to determine at what level of soil moisture content which will be the best condition to conduct ERT survey. ERT analysis was conducted by using ABEM Terrameter SAS 4000 of Wenner-Schlumberger array with 5.0 meter and 10.0 meter for minimum and maximum electrode spacing. Visually, based on subsurface geological profile resulted from ERT analysis soil moisture content affected (changed) electrical resistivity values. With all different treatments of soil moisture ranged from 16.96% to 27.50%, electrical resistivity values decreased in certain points and in certain depth along with the increase of soil moisture content. This was proofed by ANOVA and Duncanā€™s multiple range tests showing that Pr > F value was less than 0.0001. Further on Chi-square test showed that at soil moisture level of 22.54%, it was the best condition which gave more correct counts of electrical resistivity values compared to well lithology. This was assumed to be the best condition to conduct ERT survey

    Effects of soil moisture content on groundwater electrical resistivity values in irrigation paddy scheme, Tanjong Karang, Malaysia

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    Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) analyses have been conducted in Irrigation Paddy Scheme, Tanjong Karang, Malaysia as part of investigation on groundwater potential aquifer to provide an alternative water resource for paddy irrigation. Based on recent studies on groundwater resistivity in paddy field, irrigation system mentioned as soil moisture content was observed to affect the value of electrical resistivity and subsurface geological profile resulted from ERT analysis. The objective of this study was to proof any correlation between soil moisture content and electrical resistivity values and to determine at what level of soil moisture content which will be the best condition to conduct ERT survey. ERT analysis was conducted by using ABEM Terrameter SAS 4000 of Wenner-Schlumberger array with 5.0 meter and 10.0 meter for minimum and maximum electrode spacing. Visually, based on subsurface geological profile resulted from ERT analysis soil moisture content affected (changed) electrical resistivity values. With all different treatments of soil moisture ranged from 16.96% to 27.50%, electrical resistivity values decreased in certain points and in certain depth along with the increase of soil moisture content. This was proofed by ANOVA and Duncanā€™s multiple range tests showing that Pr > F value was less than 0.0001. Further on Chi-square test showed that at soil moisture level of 22.54%, it was the best condition which gave more correct counts of electrical resistivity values compared to well lithology. This was assumed to be the best condition to conduct ERT survey


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    The Indonesian government through Health Regulations No. 36, 2009 article 115 stipulates the Non-Smoking Area policy, one of in a health facility is a hospital. Supporting the law, the Dairi District Government issued Local Regulation, No. 01, 2017 concerning Non-smoking Area on Januari 31, 2017. The purpose of this research was to analyze the implementation of Non-Smoking Area policies in Sidikalang General Hospital. This research is descriptive qualitative research. This research was conducted in Sidikalang General Hospital. The research informants consisted of key informants, main informants, additional informants. Data were analyzed by qualitative description. The results of the research show actors from the implementation of the Non-Smoking Area policy in Sidikalang Hospital, namely directors, management, visitors and patients health workers. Regarding the content that socialization has not been evenly distributed because it was delivered orally, inadequate insfrastructure, lack of employees, there were no strict sanctions. The implementation of Non-Smoking Area is not influenced by politics, but collides with the culture of the Dairi community. Whereas based on organization, lack of commitment and lack of budget. The implementation process does not run well because there is no commitment, lack of socialization, unavailability of budget. The Non-Smoking Area explanation was not evaluated to measure policy success/ failure. Compliance is very low. The audit did not run well because there were no written documents. The budget is a problem because of the lack of funds for health promotion, the addition of the amount of security, the preparing of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) and Television (TV) in each room, constructing the wall at RSUDā€™s area. It is strongly recommended to Sidikalang General Hospital to re socialize the Dairi District Regentā€™s regional regulation on Non-Smoking Area policy, make a statement of commitment for health workers about smoking bans, submit a budget for construction of the wall around the hospital, increase the number of security personel, addition of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)

    Kesiapan BCC (Banyuwangi Children Center) dalam Upaya Mencegah Kekerasan Seksual pada Anak di Banyuwangi: Readiness of BCC (Banyuwangi Children Center) in Efforts to Prevent Sexual Violence among Children in Banyuwangi

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    Latar belakang: Salah satu permasalahan anak di Banyuwangi adalah kekerasan seksual pada anak. Kekerasan seksual pada anak merupakan masalah yang vital karena dapat mengganggu perkembangan anak khususnya psikis anak. Banyuwangi Children Center (BCC) didirikan pada Mei 2016 bertugas untuk merespon dan menangani berbagai kasus kekerasan pada anak melalui tim terpadu. Tujuan: Untuk menganalisis kesiapan Banyuwangi Children Center dalam upaya menurunkan kekerasan seksual pada anak di Banyuwangi. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui wawancara mendalam pada 7 informan. Hasil: Kesiapan BCC dalam mencegah kekerasan seksual pada anak meliputi tiga aspek yaitu organizational factor, program yang dijalankan, dan sumber daya manusia (SDM). Kendala yang dihadapi BCC adalah banyaknya undang-undang yang diambil dalam visi organisasi sehingga tidak ada monitoring dan evaluasi yang jelas. Keterbatasan SDM dan program yang dijalankan menyebabkan masyarakat Banyuwangi kurang mengetahui tentang peran BCC. Kesimpulan: Kesiapan BCC dalam mencegah kekerasan seksual pada anak masih memiliki kendala dan keterbatasan. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya rencana strategis program berkelanjutan BCC dari stakeholder yang melibatkan masyarakat secara terstruktur agar dapat mencegah kekerasan seksual pada anak secara efektif

    Analisis Stakeholder untuk Mendukung Peran Banyuwangi Children Center dalam Upaya Menurunkan Kekerasan Seksual pada Anak

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    Banyuwangi Children Center (BCC) is one of city mayorā€™s effort to prevent childrenā€™s sexual abuse. However, the community felt the role of BCC in preventing childrenā€™s sexual abuse was not optimal since 2016. Stakeholderā€™s engagement may play an important aspect to support BCC in preventing childrenā€™s sexual abuse. The objective of this study was to analyze the role of stakeholders in supporting BCC in the prevention of children sexual abuse. This study used a qualitative design with in-depth interview to all related to the prevention of children sexual abuse (Police department, women and children protection bureau, women empowerment and family planning bureau, and BCC. The results showed the role of the BCC was supported by the existence of policies on child-friendly areas from the local government, positive responses from active community involvement in reporting incidents of sexual violence against children, and good coordination by cross-sector in the socialization and handling of cases of sexual violence against children in Banyuwangi. Therefore, it can be concluded that stakeholders provide positive support in the role of the BCC but still need attention from local governments to provide facilities for cross-sectoral so that all cases of sexual violence against children in Banyuwangi can be handled properly. Keywords: stakeholder, Banyuwangi Children Center, child protection, sexual assault Abstrak Banyuwangi Children Center (BCC) merupakan salah satu upaya walikota Banyuwangi untuk meminimalisir kekerasan seksual pada anak. BCC terbentuk sejak 2016 namun perannya masih kurang dirasakan oleh masyarakat di Banyuwangi. Stakeholder merupakan pihak yang berperan penting untuk mendukung peran BCC di Banyuwangi. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis peran stakeholder untuk mendukung peran BCC dalam upaya menurunkan kekerasan seksual pada anak di Banyuwangi. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain cross-sectional. Data penelitian ini diperoleh dengan wawancara mendalam pada tujuh informan yang memiliki kapasitas dalam memberikan informasi tentang perannya dalam mendukung BCC yaitu Kepolisian Resort Banyuwangi, Pusat Pelayanan Terpadu Perlindungan Perempuan dan Anak (P2TP2A) Kabupaten Banyuwangi, Badan Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Keluarga Berencana (BPPKB) dan Banyuwangi Children Center. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peran BCC mendapat dukungan dengan adanya kebijakan tentang kawasan ramah anak dari pemerintah daerah, respon positif keterlibatan aktif masyarakat dalam melaporkan kejadian kekerasan seksual pada anak, dan koordinasi yang baik oleh lintas sektor dalam sosialisasi dan penanganan kasus kekerasan seksual pada anak di Banyuwangi. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa stakeholder memberikan dukungan yang positif dalam peran BCC namun masih perlu perhatian dari pemerintah daerah untuk menyediakan fasilitas bagi lintas sektor dan meningkatkan sosialisasi bagi masyarakat Banyuwangi agar seluruh kasus kekerasan seksual pada anak di Banyuwangi dapat tertangani dengan baik. Kata kunci: stakeholder, Banyuwangi Children Center, perlindungan anak, kekerasan seksual, good health and wellbein